This book describes the key concepts, principles and implementation options for creating high-assurance cloud computing solutions. The guide starts with a broad technical overview and basic introduction to cloud computing, looking at the overall architecture of the cloud, client systems, the modern Internet and cloud computing data centers. It then delves into the core challenges of showing how reliability and fault-tolerance can be abstracted, how the resulting questions ca n be solved, and how the solutions can be leveraged to create a wide range of practical cloud applications. The author's style is practical, and the guide should be readily understandable without any special background. Concrete examples are often drawn from real-world settings to illustrate key insights. Appendices show how the most important reliability models can be formalized, describe the API of the Isis2 platform, and offer more than 80 problems at varying levels
2024-03-01 20:58:53 4.88MB 分布式系统
本书旨在全面介绍因特网及其他常用分布式系统的原理、体系结构、算法和设计,内容涵盖分布式系统的相关概念、安全、数据复制、组通信、分布式文件系统、分布式事务等,以及相关的前沿主题,包括web服务、网格、移动系统和无处不在系统等。   本书素材丰富、内容充实、深入浅出,每章后都有相关的习题,并有配套网站提供本书的学习和教学资源。本书可作为相关专业本科生及研究生的分布式系统课程的教材,也可供广大技术人员参考。
2023-06-08 11:39:34 6.68MB 分布式系统
疯狂 软件包go-craq实现了CRAQ(带有分摊查询的链式复制),如。 麻省理工学院许可。 CRAQ是一种复制协议,它允许从任何副本进行读取,同时仍保持强一致性。 CRAQ应该提供比Raft和Paxos更好的读取吞吐量。 读取性能随添加到系统中的节点数量线性增长。 与Raft和Paxos相比,网络颤动明显更低。 了解有关CRAQ的更多信息 +------------------+ | | +-----+ Coordinator | | | | Write | +------------------+ | v +---+----+ +--------+ +--------+
2023-04-09 20:12:47 37KB golang distributed-systems replication databases
易数据 EasyData是一个轻量级的数据库库,用于在python中处理复杂的图形数据。 资料库 I.模式 数据库是字典,具有附加的结构。 数据库由模式,对象和属性组成,它们都在符号上相关。 模式定义标签和一组属性,并用于创建新对象。 我们可以定义一个模式来表示空间中的位置: db = Database() db.create_schema('point', ['x', 'y']) 对可以分配给架构属性的可接受值进行一些控制非常有用。 约束是针对给定架构的特定属性分配的命题函数。 我们可以在上面定义的点模式的x和y属性上定义约束。 这些约束确保分配给x或y的任何值都是非负整数。
2023-04-04 09:45:17 40KB python distributed-systems data schema
该系统是使用JAVA RMI技术开发的,具有Socket编程和用于大学项目的多线程。
2022-12-12 19:57:34 14.05MB java socket distributed-systems swing
Title : Designing Distributed Systems Using Approximate Synchrony in Data Center Networks.pdf Distributed systems are traditionally designed independently from the underlying network, making worst-case assumptions (e.g., complete asynchrony) about its behavior. However, many of today’s distributed applications are deployed in data centers, where the network is more reliable, predictable, and extensible. In these environments, it is possible to co-design distributed systems with their network
raft raft是一个Go库,它管理复制的日志,并且可以与FSM一起使用以管理复制的状态机。 它是一个用于提供共识的库。 这种库的用例范围很广,例如repli raft raft是Go库,它管理复制的日志,并且可以与FSM一起使用以管理复制的状态机。 它是一个用于提供共识的库。 这种库的用例范围很广,例如复制状态机是许多分布式系统的关键组成部分。 它们使构建一致的,分区容错(CP)的系统也具有有限的容错能力。 构建如果要构建木筏,则需要安装Go 1.2+版本。 请检查一下
2022-06-14 19:08:21 161KB Golang Distributed Systems
Designing Distributed Systems: Patterns and Paradigms for Scalable, Reliable Services 1st Edition
2022-05-20 18:02:58 4.44MB 分布式 distributed
分布式概念与设计的习题答案.By George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore and Tim Kindberg Addison-Wesley, ©Pearson Education 2001
2022-05-16 12:11:22 444KB distributed system solution
The book is structured in two parts: principles and paradigms. The first chapter is a general introduction to the subject. Then come seven chapters on individual principles we consider most important: communication, processes, naming, synchronization, consistency and replication, fault tolerance, and security.
2022-03-27 00:33:09 9.58MB Distributed Systems 分布式系统