2024-05-04 19:59:28 46.04MB
云计算开发服务平台 用户手册 1.1.2、Docker平台组成 图1-2 Docker服务组成图 运行一个Docker服务,组成包括Docker daemon服务器、Docker Client客户端、Docker Image镜像、Docker Registry库、Docker Contrainer容器,如图1-2所示。 (1)Docker镜像: 是一个只读模板,用于创建Docker容器,由Dockerfile文本描述镜像的内容。镜像定义类似“面对对象的类”,从一个基础镜像(Base Image)开始。构建一个镜像实际就是安装、配置和运行的过程,Docker镜像基于UnionFS把以上过程
2024-01-03 12:47:03 3.14MB
2023-11-06 10:35:13 75B paas iaas
目录: 1、业务中台如何辅助决策?浅谈业务中台在决策中的补充作用 2 2、要想业务中台建得快,最好用Service Mesh来带 8 3、新零售业务中台,让企业跳出新零售的“坑”! 13 4、我理解的保险公司业务中台 18 5、如何处理业务团队的“兵变”?业务中台部门视角下的团队危机处理 27 6、全渠道业务中台解决方案 34 7、企业业务中台建设案例剖析与相关技术实践 49 8、电商企业为什么要搞中台? 56 9、滴滴业务中台构建实践 58 10、阿里业务中台实践过程 62 11、阿里巴巴架构师:十问业务中台和我的答案 65 12、PaaS、DevOps、OpenShift与业务中台的实现 78 13、5个步骤,打造你的业务中台 92 14、【观察】东方网力以数据业务中台,赋能安防行业智能化转型 99 15、中台之上(五):业务架构和中台的难点,都是需要反复锤炼出标准模型 109 16、阿里研究员玄难:如何做电商业务中台 112
2023-04-01 16:52:41 4.39MB service_mesh 商业资料 paas devops
Understanding PaaS by Michael P. McGrath 2012-01-12 First release For years, I worked as the Fedora Project’s infrastructure team lead. It was quite possibly the best job I’ll ever have. People were constantly coming up with new ideas and as the keeper of resources, they’d come to the infrastructure team to put those ideas into motion. Looking back, I have regret. It’s about how many of those ideas I had to say no to just because there weren’t enough people or servers to go around. So many projects just never got off the ground because of the high cost of innovation. With all those never born projects in mind, I joined Red Hat’s cloud computing initiative to make OpenShift a reality. OpenShift is Red Hat’s Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering and it’s the answer to so many problems I’ve had in the past, like those Fedora Project ideas that never got off the ground. Yet, even months after OpenShift launched, I am constantly surprised how often people would ask me what PaaS is. Is it virtualization? Is it just cloud computing? Why would I use it? This book is the result of the questions so many people have asked me at conferences, on IRC, and via email. So to all of you curious and hardworking inventors out there, thank you. I hope the answers contained in this book will help you innovate even better.
2022-12-13 21:05:24 4.93MB paas cloud
分享课程——Go 开发者的涨薪通道:自主开发 PaaS 平台核心功能,完整版12章,附源码。 云原生已是毋庸置疑的技术发展趋势之一。PaaS作为云原生体系的核心架构层,正被越来越多的公司应用,PaaS工程师也成为企业招聘热门资源。Go开发者,正是PaaS工程师的主要人才来源。本课程将带领大家,结合Go微服务打造PaaS平台的核心业务(包括Pod,service,deplyment,Ingress,存储,监控,中间件,镜像市场等),帮助Go工程师探索PaaS开发,挖掘职业新可能。
2022-11-23 09:22:55 698B go语言 paas
2022-10-24 22:39:51 83.55MB 云计算 IaaS PaaS SaaS
2022-10-21 01:45:25 30KB OA SaaS Paas
JeeSite4.x多租户理论+实战教程(推荐产品经理必听)目录第一章 初识云计算 Iaas Paas Saas Caas Maas 第二章 多租户为解决哪些问题? 单租户 多租户 第三章 多租户常见实现方案及原理 第四章 JeeSite实现SaaS多租户方案及原理 第五章 JeeSite多租户实战课程 JeeSite如何使用多租户? JeeSite如何新增一个租户? JeeSite创建租户时关联默认角色 JeeSite如何获取租户名称列表? JeeSite多租户+ TiDB实现大数据+大吞吐量+计算能力水平扩展+水平伸缩不停止服务+强一致性分布式 ACID 事务+5000w起点应用程序(未来补录-暂时未录制)
2022-06-28 09:09:20 2.27MB paas 中台