高斯求积代码matlab 计算物理 该存储库包含计算物理课程中讲授的概念,并已翻译为MATLAB代码。 话题 非线性方程组的牛顿拉夫森法 高斯消除 多项式插值,线性/二次/三次样条插值,Thomas算法 多项式曲线拟合(在某些文件中可以使用正交多项式,例如Legendre,Hermite,Chebyshev等) 数值积分:矩形,梯形,辛普森1/3,高斯求积 微分方程组的数值解: 欧拉法 龙格·库塔(Runge Kutta)二阶 龙格·库塔(Runge Kutta)4级 带边界条件的微分方程的射击方法 偏微分方程: 有限差分法:前进,后退,中央方案 Dirichlet边界条件,Newmann边界条件,重影边界点 蒙特卡洛技术 生成满足概率分布的数字 随机行走问题,布朗运动等 经典顺磁性的蒙特卡罗模拟 n维空间中的蒙特卡洛积分 伊辛模型
2022-06-16 00:30:40 853KB 系统开源
2022-05-20 21:56:13 7.24MB 量子计算 物理学
2022-05-08 14:09:57 5.51MB 人工智能 文档资料 机器学习
When I began teaching computational physics, the rst decision facing me was \which language do I use?" With the sheer number of good programming languages available, it was not an obvious choice. I wanted to teach the course with a general-purpose language, so that students could easily take advantage of the skills they gained in the course in elds outside of physics. The language had to be readily available on all major operating systems. Finally, the language had to be free. I wanted to provide the students with a skill that they did not have to pay to use! It was roughly a month before my rst computational physics course began that I was introduced to Python by Bruce Sherwood and Ruth Chabay, and I realized immediately that this was the language I needed for my course. It is simple and easy to learn; it's also easy to read what another programmer has written in Python and gure out what it does. Its whitespace-specic formatting forces new programmers to write readable code. There are numeric libraries available with just what I needed for the course. It's free and available on all major operating systems. And although it is simple enough to allow students with no prior programming experience to solve interesting problems early in the course, it's powerful enough to be used for \serious" numeric work in physics | and it is used for just this by the astrophysics community. Finally, Python is named for my favorite British comedy troupe. What's not to like?
2022-01-10 23:46:01 7.55MB python 计算物理
南大计算物理PPT蒙特卡洛(Monte Carlo)方法是一种应用随机数来进行计算机模拟的方法.此方法对研究的系统进行随机观察抽样,通过对样本值的观察统计,求得所研究系统的某些参数.。。。
2021-12-02 12:08:29 37.9MB 计算物理 南京大学
2021-10-28 21:07:32 2.97MB 计算物理学
浙大计算物理课件 我们上课时候用的 包含作业和讲义内容 赚积分而已 想看的下下吧
2021-10-28 21:03:34 17.01MB 浙大计算物理
2021-10-28 20:58:59 632KB 计算物理
2021-10-24 12:07:54 15.78MB 计算物理 模拟 分子动力学