2024-02-25 12:02:59 795KB Python computer science introduction
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Algebra, Topology, Differential Calculus, and Optimization TheoryFor Computer Science and Machine LearningJean Gallier and Jocelyn Quaintance Department of Computer and Information ScienceUniversity of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA e-mail: jean@cis.upenn.educ:copyright: Jean GallierAugust 2, 20192ContentsContents 31 Introduction 172 Groups, Rings, and Fields 19 2.1 Groups, Subgroups, Cosets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.2 Cyclic Groups . . . . . . . . . .
2023-03-15 20:47:53 19.85MB Papers Specs Decks Manuals
2023-03-04 10:58:20 11.84MB 论文写作必备
简介 · · · · · ·   One way to advance the science of computational geometry is to make a comprehensive study of fundamental operations that are used in many different algorithms. This monograph attempts such an investigation in the case of two basic predicates: the counterclockwise relation pqr, which states that the circle through points (p, q, r) is traversed counterclockwise when we encounter ... (展开全部)   One way to advance the science of computational geometry is to make a comprehensive study of fundamental operations that are used in many different algorithms. This monograph attempts such an investigation in the case of two basic predicates: the counterclockwise relation pqr, which states that the circle through points (p, q, r) is traversed counterclockwise when we encounter the points in cyclic order p, q, r, p,...; and the incircle relation pqrs, which states that s lies inside that circle if pqr is true, or outside that circle if pqr is false. The author, Donald Knuth, is one of the greatest computer scientists of our time. A few years ago, he and some of his students were looking at a map that pinpointed the locations of about 100 cities. They asked, "Which of these cities are neighbors of each other?" They knew intuitively that some pairs of cities were neighbors and some were not; they wanted to find a formal mathematical characterization that would match their intuition. This monograph is the result.  
2023-03-02 20:13:42 513KB Knuth Axioms and Hulls
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2023-02-28 21:55:02 17KB computer-science awesome lab awesome-list
剑桥计算机科学笔记 [![CC BY 4.0] [cc-by-shield]] [cc-by] IB部分的计算机科学修订说明。 !>这些注释仅用于索引目的。 笔记绝对不能代替官方讲义和笔记。 !>注释不负责内容的正确性和有效性。 任何错误都可能是我的。 欢迎捐款! 您可以提交拉取请求或在github存储库上添加问题。
2023-02-14 02:03:46 14KB HTML
PyCNN:使用Python的细胞神经网络进行图像处理 细胞神经网络(CNN) 是最早在1988年细胞神经网络提出类似于神经网络,与该通信在相邻单元之间只允许的差的平行计算模式。 图像处理是其。 CNN处理器旨在执行图像处理; 具体来说,CNN处理器的原始应用是执行数字处理器无法实现的实时超高帧速率(> 10,000 frame / s)处理。 这个python库是CNN的实现,用于图像处理。 注:该库已在发表的研究被引用,寻找在参考部分中引用#19。 我很高兴这个图书馆可以为社区提供帮助。 注意:不得将细胞神经网络(CNN)与完全不同的卷积神经网络(ConvNet)混淆。 如上图所示,想象一个带有反馈回路的控制系统。 f(x)是分段线性S型函数。 控制(模板B)和反馈(模板A)模板(系数)是可配置的,并控制系统的输出。 在确定常用图像处理技术的模板方面已经进行了重大研究,这些模板已发布在此。 进一步阅读: 动机 这是2014年第14届细胞纳米级网络和应用(CNNA)大会上演示的扩展。我写了一篇博客文章,可在。 我的论文使用了该库在IEEE Xplore中发布了一个。 依存
2023-02-13 11:29:35 423KB python computer-science library control
这是 ShowMeAI 持续分享的速查表系列!本系列速查表包含 200 多张知识卡片,分为『计算机科学』『机器学习』『计算机视觉和深度学习基础』『计算机视觉和深度学习精选专题』4个主题,用以回顾多年的 ML 研究、课程和学习中的所有内容,并为机器学习工程师的面试做准备。 这个文件是『计算机科学』主题(其他部分的下载链接见评论区),包含以下部分: PL Fundamentals(PL基础知识) Data Structures & Algorithms(数据结构和算法) Bit Manipulations(位操作) Time/Space Complexity(时间/空间复杂度)