天网防火墙软件+破解补丁 天网防火墙个人版是个人电脑使用的网络安全程序,根据管理者设定的安全规则把守网络,提供强大的访问控制、信息过滤等功能,帮你抵挡网络入侵和攻击,防止信息泄露。天网防火墙把网络分为本地网和互联网,可针对来自不同网络的信息,来设置不同的安全方案,适合于任何方式上网的用户。
2024-03-27 06:32:06 4.66MB 天网.防火墙
2022-09-13 09:04:20 5.21MB SkynetPFW 天网 防火墙 天网防火墙
天网防火墙个人版(简称为天网防火墙)是由天网安全实验室研发制作给个人计算机使用的网络安全工具。它根据系统管理者设定的安全规则(Security Rules)把守网络,提供强大的访问控制、应用选通、信息过滤等功能。它可以帮你抵挡网络入侵和攻击,防止信息泄露,保障用户机器的网络安全。天网防火墙把网络分为本地网和互联网,可以针对来自不同网络的信息,设置不同的安全方案,它适合于任何方式连接上网的个人用户。 1)严密的实时监控   天网防火墙(个人版)对所有来自外部机器的访问请求进行过滤,发现非授权的访问请求后立即拒绝,随时保护用户系统的信息安全。 2)灵活的安全规则   天网防火墙(个人版)设置了一系列安全规则,允许特定主机的相应服务,拒绝其它主机的访问要求。用户还可以根据自已的实际情况,添加、删除、修改安全规则,保护本机安全。 3)应用程序规则设置   新版的天网防火墙增加对应用程序数据包进行底层分析拦截功能,它可以控制应用程序发送和接收数据包的类型、通讯端口,并且决定拦截还是通过,这是目前其它很多软件防火墙不具有的功能。 4)详细的访问记录和完善的报警系统   天网防火墙(个人版)可显示所有被拦截的访问记录,包括访问的时间、来源、类型、代码等都详细地记录下来,你可以清楚地看到是否有入侵者想连接到你的机器,从而制定更有效的防护规则。与以往的版本相比,天网防火墙(个人版)设置了完善的声音报警系统,当出现异常情况的时候,系统会发出预警信号,从而让用户作好防御措施。 5)即时聊天保护功能 天网防火墙个人版 v3.0.0.1015 build 0611新增特性:   1、新增了系统托盘偶尔不显示防火墙图标时把主界面调出来的方法。   2、修正了试用版的一些小bug。
2022-05-27 09:17:26 5.85MB 天网防火墙,天网防火墙
2022-03-21 15:06:39 3.03MB 天网引擎
2022-02-24 09:03:29 782KB 资料
TSE(Tiny Search Engine) ======================= (Temporary) Web home: TSE is free utility for non-interactive download of files from the Web. It supports HTTP. According to query word or url, it retrieve results from crawled pages. It can follow links in HTML pages and create output files in Tianwang (http://e.pku.edu.cn/) format or ISAM format files. Additionally, it provies link structures which can be used to rebuild the web frame. --------------------------- Main functions in the TSE: 1) normal crawling, named SE, e.g: crawling all pages in PKU scope. and retrieve results from crawled pages according to query word or url, 2) crawling images and corresponding pages, named ImgSE. --------------------------- INSTALL: 1) execute "tar xvfz tse.XXX.gz" --------------------------- Before running the program, note Note: The program is default for normal crawling (SE). For ImgSE, you should: 1. change codes with the following requirements, 1) In "Page.cpp" file, find two same functions "CPage::IsFilterLink(string plink)" One is for ImgSE whose urls must include "tupian", "photo", "ttjstk", etc. the other is for normal crawling. For ImgSE, remember to comment the paragraph and choose right "CPage::IsFilterLink(string plink)". For SE, remember to open the paragraph and choose righ "CPage::IsFilterLink(string plink)". 2) In Http.cpp file i. find "if( iPage.m_sContentType.find("image") != string::npos )" Comment the right paragraph. 3) In Crawl.cpp file, i. "if( iPage.m_sContentType != "text/html" Comment the right paragraph. ii. find "if(file_length < 40)" Choose right one line. iii. find "iMD5.GenerateMD5( (unsigned char*)iPage.m_sContent.c_str(), iPage.m_sContent.length() )" Comment the right paragraph. iv. find "if (iUrl.IsImageUrl(strUrl))" Comment the right paragraph. 2.sh Clean; (Note not remove link4History.url, you should commnet "rm -f link4History.url" line first) secondly use "link4History.url" as a seed file. "link4History" is produced while normal crawling (SE). --------------------------- EXECUTION: execute "make clean; sh Clean;make". 1) for normal crawling and retrieving ./Tse -c tse_seed.img According to query word or url, retrieve results from crawled pages ./Tse -s 2) for ImgSE ./Tse -c tse_seed.img After moving Tianwang.raw.* data to secure place, execute ./Tse -c link4History.url --------------------------- Detail functions: 1) suporting multithreads crawling pages 2) persistent HTTP connection 3) DNS cache 4) IP block 5) filter unreachable hosts 6) parsing hyperlinks from crawled pages 7) recursively crawling pages h) Outputing Tianwang format or ISAM format files --------------------------- Files in the package Tse --- Tse execute file tse_unreachHost.list --- unreachable hosts according to PKU IP block tse_seed.pku --- PKU seeds tse_ipblock --- PKU IP block ... Directories in the package hlink,include,lib,stack,uri directories --- Parse links from a page --------------------------- Please report bugs in TSE to MAINTAINERS: YAN Hongfei * Created: YAN Hongfei, Network lab of Peking University. * Created: July 15 2003. version 0.1.1 * # Can crawl web pages with a process * Updated: Aug 20 2003. version 1.0.0 !!!! * # Can crawl web pages with multithreads * Updated: Nov 08 2003. version 1.0.1 * # more classes in the codes * Updated: Nov 16 2003. version 1.1.0 * # integrate a new version linkparser provided by XIE Han * # according to all MD5 values of pages content, * for all the pages not seen before, store a new page * Updated: Nov 21 2003. version 1.1.1 * # record all duplicate urls in terms of content MD5
2022-02-13 19:42:13 152KB 北大 天网 源码 TSE
天网搜索引擎的c++源代码 可以linux上运行的
2022-01-08 21:24:43 158KB 天网搜索引擎的c++源代码
2021-12-23 14:38:57 1.45MB 天网
2021-11-16 21:04:44 290KB 防火墙
2021-10-11 14:02:26 164KB GTX 显卡 bios 英伟达