ISO16750 道路车辆 电气及电子设备的环境条件和试验 ,该标准适用于汽车电气电子系统/组件。对于安装在车辆上/内特定位置的系统/组件描述了可能的环境应力,且规定了试验及要求。包含了一般规定、电气负荷、机械负荷、气候负荷、化学负荷五个部分。
2024-03-17 18:11:19 1.22MB 可靠性标准 汽车可靠性
This test is used to determine the effects of bias conditions and temperature on solid state devices over time. It simulates the devices’ operating condition in an accelerated way, and is primarily for device qualification and reliability monitoring. A form of high temperature bias life using a short duration, popularly known as burn-in, may be used to screen for infant mortality related failures. The detailed use and application of burn-in is outside the scope of this document. free for $54