SUBROUTINE UMAT(stress,statev,ddsdde,sse,spd,scd, 1 rpl, ddsddt, drplde, drpldt, 2 stran,dstran,time,dtime,temp,dtemp,predef,dpred,cmname, 3 ndi,nshr,ntens,nstatv,props,nprops,coords,drot,pnewdt, 4 celent,dfgrd0,dfgrd1,noel,npt,layer,kspt,kstep,kinc) c WRITE (6,*) ' c NOTE: MODIFICATIONS TO *UMAT FOR ABAQUS VERSION 5.3 (14 APR '94) c c (1) The list of variables above defining the *UMAT subroutine, c and the first (standard) block of variables dimensioned below, c have variable names added compared to earlier ABAQUS versions. c c (2) The statement: include '' must be added as below. c c (3) As of version 5.3, ABAQUS files use double precision only. c The file has a line "implicit real*8" and, since c it is included in the main subroutine, it will define the variables c there as double precision. But other subroutines still need the c definition "implicit real*8" since there may be variables that are c not passed to them through the list or common block. c c (4) This is current as of version 5.6 of ABAQUS. c ... ...
2023-03-15 22:47:36 300KB 单晶塑性
2021-09-05 10:06:50 163KB umat 子程序
2019-12-21 20:57:36 93KB abaqus umat