建立此电路,并了解获取GPS数据并将其存储在SD卡上有多么容易。 到附近逛逛,然后将数据上传到地图。
2024-04-12 10:12:22 362KB Objective-C Arduino
2024-04-02 15:06:00 325KB
pyinstaller打包exe闪退,dependency walker检测出dll缺失太多了,这是批量下载dll的工具
2022-11-29 10:28:31 65.81MB MSVBCRT
Dependency Walker这款软件是一款非常实用的dll依赖查看工具,用户可以用这款软件对dll文件的修复和查看,而且这款软件操作起来非常简单,上手难度非常低。这款软件非常适合用来分析pe模块,可以更好的进行dll的查看,是一款非常实用的动态链接库工具。这款软件处理可以查看PE模块的导入模块,还可以查看PE模块的导入和导出函数、动态剖析PE模块的模块依赖性和解析C++函数名称,非常实用。这款软件还可以节省内存,非常轻松的就可以解决应用本地化的问题,软件中还有非常实用的扩展应用程序,可以让用户在需要时才将DLL载入到内存中,这让程序的可维护性变得很高。有需求的用户千万不要错过这款功能强大操作简单的dll依赖查看工具。
2022-07-22 12:00:58 1.03MB 动态库
使用 Walker 的 MCMC 算法从 Julia 中的非归一化pmf进行采样
2022-06-10 09:06:57 11KB julia 算法
Dependency Walker 最新版, dll 依赖项查看工具. Dependency Walker is a free utility that scans any 32-bit or 64-bit Windows module (exe, dll, ocx, sys, etc.) and builds a hierarchical tree diagram of all dependent modules. For each module found, it lists all the functions that are exported by that module, and which of those functions are actually being called by other modules. Another view displays the minimum set of required files, along with detailed information about each file including a full path to the file, base address, version numbers, machine type, debug information, and more. Dependency Walker is also very useful for troubleshooting system errors related to loading and executing modules. Dependency Walker detects many common application problems such as missing modules, invalid modules, import/export mismatches, circular dependency errors, mismatched machine types of modules, and module initialization failures. Dependency Walker runs on Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7, and 8. It can process any 32-bit or 64-bit Windows module, including ones designed for Windows CE. It can be run as graphical application or as a console application. Dependency Walker handles all types of module dependencies, including implicit, explicit (dynamic / runtime), forwarded, delay-loaded, and injected. A detailed help is included. Dependency Walker is completely free to use. However, you may not profit from the distribution of it, nor may you bundle it with another product.
2022-05-15 07:53:22 439KB Dependency Walker
布洛克 这是布赖恩·沃克 (Brian Walker) 的“Brogue”的分支,这是一款现代 roguelike,非常注重简单的用户界面和独特的游戏玩法。 文件夹布局说明 每个平台的构建脚本都可以在build 中找到。 他们使用源代码和资源( src和res )为每个平台在bin 中生成二进制文件。 分行说明 主分支反映了布罗格,因为它是由布赖恩沃克正式发布的。 源文件和资源具有完全相同的状态,而构建脚本则适应统一的文件夹结构。 有一些特征分支,每个分支分别包含一个特征。 这使得在存储库之间交换功能变得容易。 此外,还有一个bugfix分支,它修复了original_brogue中存在的错误。 然后是开发分支,我们尝试合并所有功能以享受所有功能:-)
2022-05-11 23:19:27 1.81MB C
alan walker珍藏版,电音爱好者,人力vocloid
2022-05-06 16:06:15 381.75MB 电音
Windows 查看DLL依赖关系的工具,查看DLL的导出函数、导入函数。协助解决Windows开发中的DLL依赖问题。 Windows开发必备。 Dependency Walker 是 Microsoft Visual C++ 中提供的非常有用的 PE 模块依赖性分析工具。主要功能如下: 查看 PE 模块的导入模块。 查看 PE 模块的导入和导出函数。 动态剖析 PE 模块的模块依赖性。 解析 C++ 函数名称。
2022-04-19 16:32:15 589KB Depend DLL
Walker, H. M. The Acting-Out Child: Coping with Classroom Disruption. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1979, 312 pp., [dollar]19.95 (cloth), [dollar]10.95 (paper) Book Reviews 579 WALKER, H. M. The Acting-Out Child: Coping with Classroom Disruption. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1979, 312 pp., $19.95 (cloth), $10.95 (paper). The author states, “the material in this book, if mastered, will give teachers the necessary skills to effectively manage the behavior of children who act-out in a classroom setting
2022-03-31 11:23:20 82KB 学术 论文