treesize windows 目录大小查看工具 可以查看windows 系统目录下各级目录的大小占用,方便清理磁盘
2022-07-26 10:00:49 8.57MB treesize windows 目录大小
一、TreeSize free官方版是一款硬盘空间管理工具,它能够显示文件大小和实际占空间数及其浪费的空间等,让用户可以最清楚的了解电脑硬盘中的情况。TreeSize free可以搜索磁盘分区或者是文件夹,并且显示出具体的空间使用信息(包括隐藏文件),每个结果都能以树型结构打开查看,这样你很快地就能依据列出来的资料,找到最占空间的目录,这样删起来也比较快。 二、TreeSize free软件特色 1、帮你找出占用空间最大的文件夹目录 Professional软件是一款强大灵活的硬盘空间管理工具。 2、帮你找出硬盘上最大的目录以及它占用的空间。 3、支持空间大小显示、分配空间和占用空间、文件数、3D工具条和分配图、最近使用数据、文件作者、NTFS压缩率等信息,并支持搜索文件。 4、该软件类似浏览器界面,快速多线程,可以导入导出Excel、HTML或ASCII文件。
2022-07-17 16:02:01 7.52MB TreeSizeFree 磁盘空间管理 磁盘清理
2022-01-26 14:01:35 16.87MB 文件管理 TreeSize
2022-01-10 09:01:19 25.16MB 磁盘空间管理
磁盘占用空间分析工具 (SpaceSniffer+TreeSizeFree),帮你把"丢失"的磁盘空间找回来。
2021-12-11 12:49:49 8.07MB SpaceSniffer TreeSize windows
2021-10-12 14:01:54 24.67MB 磁盘分析工具TreeSize
What is New in TreeSize?​ What new features are planned for the near future? Your opinion counts. Be part of the decision team and vote here for new TreeSize features. Version 8.1.2 (7 April 2021)​ TreeSize is now also available in Bulgarian and Hungarian. The scan speed could be increased, especially for fast drives. On NetApp Storage System, snapshots were sometimes not displayed when using the "Compare with snapshots" function. This problem has been fixed. The behavior when loading XML scans via the "Open with" function of Windows Explorer has been improved. A possible application freeze when changing the selection in the directory tree during a running export has been fixed. When deleting from the Top 100 list, it could happen that other entries were duplicated. This issue has now been resolved. Scans loaded from an XML file now again show the date of the scan after the root directory name again. The behavior for the /EXPORTTITLE parameter has been corrected. The setting now affects the title of the export as expected, instead of just a subtitle. File search: The command line parameter /EXPORTTITLE is now evaluated correctly for file search. File search: A possible problem with the display of context menus has been fixed. File search: The printing of search results works again as it used to. Other minor fixes and improvements have been made.
2021-05-08 11:00:27 24.87MB TreeSize. Windows
TreeSize Free,一个硬盘空间管理器,能够显示文件大小和实际占用空间数及浪费的空间等信息,让你做出相应的删除决定。 软件是绿色版,解压后即可使用。双击TreeSizeFree.exe运行,打开某个目录后,会自动计算该目录下所有文件、文件夹的大小并排序。浪费你磁盘空间的文件和文件夹,可以点右键删除
2021-04-14 10:25:42 1.84MB windows
这个软件,可以辅助我们清理磁盘空间,毕竟某60,某管家的清理能力十分有限 这个软件可以快速查看文件和文件夹的大小,我们就可以看出那些文件和文件夹占用空间大小,从而帮助我们清理空间
2021-02-24 21:00:59 8.57MB 应用软件
总是磁盘空间不足?看看是谁占的地方大。绿色软件TreeSize Professional
2020-01-04 03:15:30 4.36MB TreeSize Professional