2022-05-09 13:42:43 11.57MB Low Noise Oscillators
Relevant time durations for modern science range from the femtosecond of very fast electronics to the age of the universe, 15 billion years. This corresponds to a range of about 32 orders of magnitude. Moreover, this variable can be controlled and measured with an accuracy better than 10−14 by modern atomic clocks. However, the accuracy that can be obtained by purely electronic circuits, such as integrated circuits, is only of the order of 10−3. This is because there is no combination of available electronic components (like a RC time constant for example) that is more precise and constant with time and temperature. Now, 10−3 corresponds to an error of about 1.5 minute per day, which is totally unacceptable for timekeeping applications. The same is true for applications to modern telecommunications, which exploits the frequency spectrum up to 300Ghz.
2021-12-27 07:59:35 3.4MB MEMS Vibration Low power
The book is organized in 11 chapters. Chapter 1 summarizes the historical evolution of harmonic oscillators and analysis methods. Chapters 2 to 5 deal with the most important building blocks. Following a discussion of the basic theory on semiconductor devices and large-signal parameters, the most modern devices are chosen as examples. A whole chapter is dedicated to the various types of resonators, an important subject for microstrip applications.
2021-09-06 17:02:04 7.76MB 射频电路 振荡器
2021-08-10 11:27:32 3.63MB 硬件电路 晶体管 振荡电路
Phase noise and frequency stability in oscillators 毕业设计必读
2019-12-21 21:31:37 13.64MB Phase noise Oscillator
[2002Hajimiri&Lee;]The Design of Low Noise Oscillators
2019-12-21 19:52:24 5.64MB Oscillators