unity插件 Highlighting System v3.0.1 做
2024-01-16 15:14:37 2.11MB unity
:hot_beverage: react-pdf-highlighter react-pdf-highlighter是一个库,可为Web上的PDF文档提供批注体验。 它建立在Mozilla的PDF.js之上。 支持文本和矩形突出显示。 高光数据格式独立于视口,使其适合保存在服务器上。 示例(创建React App) 有关在线示例,请查看 。 要在本地运行示例应用程序: npm install npm start 在撰写文档时,请随时检查带有Flow类型签名的注释源。 安装 npm install react-pdf-highlighter 有关React组件API的示例,请参见 现有技术 和仅提供PDF.js的React包装器,没有内置的注释功能。 不提供文本突出显示框。 PDF.js仅提供查看器: 也可以看看: https://github.com/wojtekmaj/react-pd
2023-12-25 16:19:56 379KB react pdf highlighting pdf-viewer
This package requires Unity Pro, as it uses post-processing! Now supports Unity iOS Pro! (Device with OpenGL ES2.0 required) Highlighting System package allows you to easily integrate outline glow effect similar to those used in top AAA games. Three highlighting modes available to cover all your needs: 1. One-frame highlighting Useful for highlighting objects which are currently under mouse cursor. 2. Flashing Can be used if you need to pay attention to some objects (game tutorial item for example). 3. Constant highlighting (with fade in/out) Can be used to constantly highlight objects (pickable items or currently selected objects for example). This system works with static and skinned meshes, and is fully documented (see Documentation.pdf inside of HighlightingSystemDemo folder).
2023-10-26 16:43:01 2.1MB Highlighting 高光 插件
2023-07-04 15:54:10 5.93MB unity
unity物体边缘高亮显示Highlighting System 4.2.1.Requires Unity 5.5.0 or higher.
2023-05-12 10:47:53 9.65MB Highlighting
高亮插件(Highlighting+Highlight Plus)。 模型轮廓发光(外发光/自发光)插件,模型高亮显示,边缘光闪烁。可调颜色,闪烁类型,延迟闪烁等参数。
2022-11-10 18:21:44 30.59MB 模型高亮 Highlighting插件 unity3d
Highlighting System v4.0版本的Unity插件。
2022-09-18 23:22:46 1.55MB 游戏
2022-07-28 12:00:37 509KB zsh
ble.sh:Bash Line Editor-用纯Bash编写的全功能行编辑器! 在Bash交互式会话中可以使用语法突出显示,自动建议,vim模式等!
2022-07-04 09:39:34 1.61MB syntax-highlighting bash auto-complete line-editor
Highlighting System(1).unitypackage Highlighting System(1).unitypackage Highlighting System(1).unitypackage Highlighting System(1).unitypackage Highlighting System(1).unitypackage Highlighting System(1).unitypackage Highlighting System(1).unitypackage Highlighting System(1).unitypackage Highlighting System(1).unitypackage Highlighting System(1).unitypackage Highlighting System(1).unitypackage
2022-06-16 21:51:55 5.93MB unity 游戏引擎