
上传者: sandwichsauce | 上传时间: 2020-01-03 11:33:49 | 文件大小: 56.25MB | 文件类型: zip
Alansari2017- A Distributed Access Control System for Cloud Federations .pdf Anon2017-Detecting Privileged Side-Channel Attacks in Shielded Execution with Déjà Vu.pdf Arnautov2016- SCONE Secure Linux Containers with Intel SGX.pdf Atamli-Reineh2015 - Securing Application with Software Partitioning.pdf B2017 -Securing Data Analytics on SGX With.pdf Bahmani2016 - Secure Multiparty Computation from SGX.pdf Barbosa2016- Foundations of Hardware-Based Attested Computation and Application to SGX.pdf Bauman2016-A Case for Protecting Computer Games With SGX.pdf Baumann2014- Shielding applications from an untrusted cloud with Haven-haven.pdf Beekman2016- Attestation Transparency Building secure Internet.pdf BehlJDistlerT2017-Hybrids on Steroids-SGX-Based High Performance BFT∗.pdf Bhardwaj2016-Fast, scalable and secure onloading of edge functions using AirBox.pdf Boneh2017 - Surnaming Schemes, Fast Verification, and Applications to SGX Technology.pdf Brekalo2016-Mitigating Password Database Breaches with Intel SGX.pdf Brenner2017- Secure Cloud Micro Services Using Intel SGX.pdf CacheZoom - how sgx amplifies the power of cache attacks.pdf ChakrabartiSLeslie-HurdRVijM -Architecture for Oversubscription of Secure Memory.pdf ChakrabartiSLeslie-HurdRVijM-Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX) Architecture for Oversubscription of Secure Memory in a Virtualized Environment .pdf Choi2017 - S-OpenSGX A system-level platform.pdf Costan2016-Sanctum Minimal Hardware Extensions for Strong Software.pdf Coughlin2017 -Trusted Click-Overcoming Security issues of NFV in the Cloud.pdf Dang2017-Proofs of Data Residency-Checking whether Your Cloud Files Have Been Relocated .pdf Elastic and Secure Energy Forecasting in cloud environments.pdf Fetzer2016-Building Critical Applications Using Microservice.pdf Gkantsidis2017- And Then There Were More.pdf Glamdring-Automatic Application Partitioning for Intel SGX.pdf Glimmers-Resolving the Privacy-Trust Quagmire.pdf Gotzfried2017-Cache Attacks on



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