the art of scalability(架构即未来)英文版

上传者: littlemice | 上传时间: 2019-12-21 20:09:46 | 文件大小: 11.15MB | 文件类型: pdf
架构即未来第二版 英文原版 Contents Foreword Acknowledgments About the Authors Introduction Part I: Staffing a Scalable Organization Chapter 1: The Impact of People and Leadership on Scalability The Case Method Why People? Why Organizations? Why Management and Leadership? Conclusion Key Points Chapter 2: Roles for the Scalable Technology Organization The Effects of Failure Defining Roles Executive Responsibilities Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer Business Unit Owners, General Managers, and P&L Owners Chief Technology Officer/Chief Information Officer Individual Contributor Responsibilities Architecture Responsibilities Engineering Responsibilities DevOps Responsibilities Infrastructure Responsibilities Quality Assurance Responsibilities Capacity Planning Responsibilities A Tool for Defining Responsibilities Conclusion Key Points Chapter 3: Designing Organizations Organizational Influences That Affect Scalability Team Size Warning Signs Growing or Splitting Teams Organizational Structure Functional Organization Matrix Organization Agile Organization Conclusion Key Points Chapter 4: Leadership 101 What Is Leadership? Leadership: A Conceptual Model Taking Stock of Who You Are Leading from the Front Checking Your Ego at the Door Mission First, People Always Making Timely, Sound, and Morally Correct Decisions Empowering Teams and Scalability Alignment with Shareholder Value Transformational Leadership Vision Mission Goals Putting It All Together The Causal Roadmap to Success Conclusion Key Points Chapter 5: Management 101 What Is Management? Project and Task Management Building Teams: A Sports Analogy Upgrading Teams: A Garden Analogy Measurement, Metrics, and Goal Evaluation The Goal Tree Paving the Path for Success Conclusion Key Points Chapter 6: Relationships, Mindset, and the Business Case Understanding the Experiential Chasm Why the Business Executive Might Be the Problem Why the Technology Executive Might Be the Problem Defeating the IT Mindset The Business Cas



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