Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee and WiMax .pdf 无线方面的英文书
2022-12-27 10:57:00 17.66MB wifi bluetooth zigbee wimax
最好的蓝牙控制抓包工具,没有之一。 蓝牙专业人士的必备工具,该版本是目前(20150731)最新的版本
2022-12-19 13:43:04 52.91MB 蓝牙 抓包
Bluetooth Low Energy technology recap and Linux Bluetooth Stack Introduction.
2022-12-14 18:01:19 233KB Bluetooth LE
2022-12-09 16:53:40 66.23MB bt sniffter
苍凉 Bleak是蓝牙低功耗平台Agnostic Klient的首字母缩写。 免费软件:MIT许可证 文档: : 。 Bleak是GATT客户端软件,能够连接到充当GATT服务器的BLE设备。 它旨在提供异步,跨平台的Python API,以与例如传感器进行连接和通信。 安装 $ pip install bleak 特征 支持Windows 10版本16299(秋季创作者更新)或更高版本 支持BlueZ> = 5.43Linux发行版 至少从OS X版本10.11通过Core Bluetooth API支持OS X / macOS Bleak支持从GATT服务器读取,写入和获取通知,以及发现BLE设备的功能。 用法 要发现可以连接到的蓝牙设备: import asyncio from bleak import BleakScanner async def run ():
2022-12-08 10:35:07 227KB python cross-platform bluetooth python3
蓝牙视觉扬声器 基于ESP32芯片的蓝牙可视扬声器。 主要特点 A2DP音频流 I2S和PDM输入/ I2S输出 VFX输出(GIF /音频FFT / Rainbow / Starsky / ...) BLE控制界面(OTA固件更新/ VFX远程控制) 音频提示(已连接/已断开/睡眠/唤醒) 睡眠和唤醒键 准备中 获取来源 git clone --recursive https://github.com/redchenjs/bluetooth_visual_speaker_esp32.git 更新现有存储库 git pull git submodule update --init --recursive 设置工具 ./esp-idf/install.sh 建筑 设置环境变量 export IDF_PATH=$PWD/esp-idf source ./esp-idf/export.sh
2022-12-06 11:18:56 9.11MB audio spectrum ota esp32
2022-12-05 17:55:39 115.37MB ellisys 蓝牙空口 蓝牙空口抓包 bluetooth
With Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), smart devices are about to become even smarter. This practical guide demonstrates how this exciting wireless technology helps developers build mobile apps that share data with external hardware, and how hardware engineers can gain easy and reliable access to mobile operating systems., This book provides a solid, high-level overview of how devices use BLE to communicate with each other. You'll learn useful low-cost tools for developing and testing BLE-enabled mobile apps and embedded firmware and get examples using various development platforms—including iOS and Android for app developers and embedded platforms for product designers and hardware engineers.
2022-11-24 14:07:59 17.47MB 蓝牙
RTL8761B/RTL8761BUV蓝牙5.0模块Windows驱动2021_F027_L\BT_Driver 适用以下平台:Win10X64/Win10X86/Win7X64/Win7X86/Win81X64/Win81X86 硬件ID如下表: USB\VID_0BDA&PID_8771 ;8761B USB\VID_0BDA&PID_A725 ;8761B USB\VID_0B05&PID_190E ;8761B USB\VID_0BDA&PID_2550 ;8761B USB\VID_2550&PID_8761 ;8761B USB\VID_33f2&PID_1688 ;8761B USB\VID_2B89&PID_8761 ;8761B USB\VID_3188&PID_8771 ;8761B XiangFan USB\VID_04BB&PID_0A15 ;Edimax USB-BT50LE USB\VID_2357&PID_0604 ;TP-Link Bluetooth
2022-11-23 09:03:51 68.43MB 蓝牙5.0驱动 RTL8761BUV RTL8761B
Android A2DP Offload bugreport
2022-11-22 15:20:04 25.45MB Bluetooth Android