上传者: xudongxu9897 | 上传时间: 2019-12-21 22:05:49 | 文件大小: 11.41MB | 文件类型: zip
goGPS v0.4.3 1. Introduction ============ goGPS is a software package designed to perform GPS positioning, either in post-processing or real-time. It is developed in MATLAB and it is aimed at providing a tool useful for studying GPS positioning, implementing and testing new algorithms and interacting in general with GPS-related aspects. 2. Requirements ============ goGPS has been developed and tested in MATLAB 7.6+ environments, on both Windows and UNIX. The following elements are needed in order to use goGPS: - a computer with Windows or a UNIX-based operating system - a MATLAB 7.6+ installation For post-processing tasks: - RINEX observation file for the roving receiver - RINEX observation file for the master station - RINEX navigation file (RINEX files must have epochs in common) (goGPS binary data saved during a real-time session can be used instead of RINEX files) For real-time tasks: - 'Instrument Control Toolbox' installed on MATLAB - GPS receiver providing raw data on a COM port (currently u-blox UBX, Fastrax IT03, SkyTraq and NVS BINR* binary protocols are supported) with their own drivers installed - GPS permanent station(s) broadcasting raw data in RTCM 3.x format through NTRIP protocol (at least '1002' or '1004' messages) NOTE: plotting on Google Earth requires it to be installed; if plotting error ellipses on Google Earth produces odd output on Windows, please switch Google Earth rendering engine to DirectX. *this development was supported by the JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Issue No. 24700105)



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