Microsoft Excel 2019 Pivot Table Data Crunching

上传者: 43960172 | 上传时间: 2019-12-21 21:49:51 | 文件大小: 109.67MB | 文件类型: pdf
Microsoft Excel 2019 Pivot Table Data Crunching (Business Skills) By 作者: Bill Jelen – Michael Alexander ISBN-10 书号: 1509307249 ISBN-13 书号: 9781509307241 Edition 版本: 1 出版日期: 2019-01-18 pages 页数: (512 ) Renowned Excel experts Bill Jelen (MrExcel) and Michael Alexander help you crunch data from any source with Excel 2019 pivot tables. Use Excel 2019 pivot tables and pivot charts to produce powerful, dynamic reports in minutes instead of hours, to take control of your data and your business. Even if you’ve never created a pivot table before, this book will help you leverage all their remarkable flexibility and analytical power–including valuable improvements in Excel 2019 and Excel in Office 365. Drawing on more than 45 combined years of Excel experience, Bill Jelen and Michael Alexander offer practical “recipes” for solving real business problems, help you avoid common mistakes, and present tips and tricks you’ll find nowhere else. By reading this book, you will: Master easy, powerful ways to create, customize, change, and control pivot tables Control all future pivot tables using new pivot table defaults Transform huge data sets into clear summary reports Instantly highlight your most profitable customers, products, or regions Use Power Query to quickly import, clean, shape, and analyze disparate data sources Build geographical pivot tables with 3D Map Construct and share state-of-the-art dynamic dashboards Revamp analyses on the fly by dragging and dropping fields Build dynamic self-service reporting systems Share your pivot tables with colleagues Create data mashups using the full Power Pivot capabilities of Excel 2019 and Excel in Office 365 Automate pivot tables with macros and VBA Save time by adapting reports with GetPivotData Discover today’s most useful pivot table tips and shortcuts



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