Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation: a practitioners approach

上传者: ihamburger | 上传时间: 2020-03-07 03:04:16 | 文件大小: 13.51MB | 文件类型: pdf
CRC出版的关于离散事件建模与仿真的教材 Product Description Complex artificial dynamic systems require advanced modeling techniques that can accommodate their asynchronous, concurrent, and highly non-linear nature. Discrete Event systems Specification (DEVS) provides a formal framework for hierarchical construction of discrete-event models in a modular manner, allowing for model re-use and reduced development time. Discrete Event Modeling and Simulation presents a practical approach focused on the creation of discrete-event applications. The book introduces the CD++ tool, an open-source framework that enables the simulation of discrete-event models. After setting up the basic theory of DEVS and Cell-DEVS, the author focuses on how to use the CD++ tool to define a variety of models in biology, physics, chemistry, and artificial systems. They also demonstrate how to map different modeling techniques, such as Finite State Machines and VHDL, to DEVS. The in-depth coverage elaborates on the creation of simulation software for DEVS models and the 3D visualization environments associated with these tools. A much-needed practical approach to creating discrete-event applications, this book offers world-class instruction on the field’s most useful modeling tools. About the Author Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada



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