CY7C68013A芯片的开发技术教程,行业内极为难寻的中文开发教程,作为开发USB通讯的必备工具手册。 CY7C68013A是Cypress公司的EZ-USB FX2LP系列低功耗版本单片机,具有和8051兼容的CPU和指令系统,同时包括USB接口和完整的USB 2.0协议引擎,并且提供了完善的固件及主机程序开发包。
2020-01-03 11:21:10 26.18MB CyPress USB EZUSB 钱峰
利用 EZ-USB® FX3 从器件 FIFO 接口进行设计, 官方文档, cyusb3014
2019-12-21 22:18:14 464KB cyusb3014 usb3.0 slave fifo
MultiWii EZ-GUI 安卓版,可以配合蓝牙模块用手机调试MWC飞控,简单易用,告别电脑,可以直接用手机蓝牙修改PID,本人还有蓝牙MWC蓝牙模块的调试工具调试教程,可以看我的其他分享
2019-12-21 21:31:25 5.02MB GUI安卓版
亲测可用,导进去两处代码报错,修改之后如下: GetComponent.()["run"].normalizedSpeed = runSpeedScale; GetComponent.()["walk"].normalizedSpeed = walkSpeedScale;
2019-12-21 21:11:54 27.88MB unity3D
1. What is EZ-EDS? -------------------- EZ-EDS is a tool that creates and edits CompoNet, ControlNet, DeviceNet, EtherNet/IP and Generic EDS files. It was created in hopes of simplifying the process of creating and maintaining EDS files. EZ-EDS uses a simple tree structure to organize the sections, entries and the end comment in an EDS file. Selecting these items displays various forms that allow the user to edit the values of the EDS keywords. The forms are meant to speed the process of entering data and to minimize the possibility of errors in the EDS. Freeware based on: CIP Specification Edition 3.23 EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP Edition 1.23, DeviceNet Adaptation of CIP Edition 1.14, ControlNet Adaptation of CIP Edition 1.8, CIP Safety Specification Edition 2.16, CompoNet Adaptation of CIP Edition 1.7, Integration of Modbus Devices into the CIP Architecture Edition 1.8 CIP Security Edition 1.3
2019-12-21 21:02:52 2.69MB EZ-EDS DeviceNet ControlNet CIP
CY7C68013A、CY7C68014A、CY7C68015A、CY7C68016A、CY7C64713 Cypress、PSoC
2019-12-21 20:43:49 4.26MB usb技术手册
数据回放插件,本人亲测,unity2018 可用 EZReplayManager是运用在游戏或者仿真软件中记录视频回放的插件,其主要可以回放的是位置信息、旋转信息和粒子效果。它主要是通过记录游戏对象的位置信息和旋转信息,当然还有发生位置信息和旋转信息变化时的时间。当回放的时候,将真实的记录信息的游戏对象隐藏,重新生成对应的游戏对象,之后按照记录的信息回放
2019-12-21 20:16:28 97B untiy 数据回放 unity EZ
2019-12-21 19:53:32 85KB CyAPI cypress EZ-USB
2019-12-21 19:35:08 14.31MB EZ-usb开发工具