Source Code AlmDev StyleControls VCL 4.90.7z
2021-07-09 15:02:57 787KB StyleControls Delphi
2021-06-10 19:02:22 787KB StyleControls Delphi
Almediadev StyleControls 4.85 FULLSOURCE
2021-06-09 13:03:19 754KB almdev
Almediadev StyleControls 4.84 Full Source
2021-05-23 12:03:53 753KB Almediadev StyleControls Source
StyleControls - 4.80 FullSource.rar
2021-05-14 21:04:29 1.27MB StyleControls Delphi
StyleControls is a stable, powerful package (more than 100 components), which uses Classic drawing, system Themes, GDI+ and VCL Styles. This package contains the unique solutions to extend standard VCL controls and also has many unique, advanced controls to create modern applications (UWP design) with Fluent UI Blur Background. Also with this package you can really improve applying and using of VCL Styles in your application. Version 4.53 improved: drawing items with long text in TscGPListBox and TscGPComboBox controls improved: behavior of all button controls, which has a dropdown menu improved: behavior of NC-button, which has a dropdown menu (TscStyledForm component) improved: behavior of buttons in edit controls (LeftButton and RightButton with has a dropdown menu) improved: TscPageViewer control improved: TscGPSlider control updated: Fluent UI demos and High-DPI demos Version 4.52 added: peformance optimizations fixed: DC leaks in some editor controls improved: TscStyledForm component (UWP-like form behavior ( TscStyledForm.DWMClientShadow = True))
2021-05-07 20:07:29 1.22MB delphi StyleControls
StyleControls 4.77 FullSource.7z
2021-04-20 21:02:21 781KB StyleControls Delphi
2021-04-09 13:45:20 1.08MB StyleControls 安装 教程 Delphi
Almediadev StyleControls 4.80 Full Source Retail
2021-03-13 16:05:56 751KB StyleControls
1、创建Windows 10现代UI应用程序的一组控件(UWP设计) 2、支持所有元素和控件中的经典绘图、系统主题和VCL样式 3、控件的集合,它基于GDI+矢量图形(控件可以为不同的元素自动使用样式或自定义颜色) 4、特殊组件,添加按钮,标签在数控领域的风格形式和改善形式的行为 5、改进样式菜单行为的特殊组件+添加alpha混合透明度,样式菜单的壁纸(样式菜单自XE2起工作) 6、高dpi(缩放)支持任何缩放因子(100%,125%,150% - 200%及以上(“启用高dpi”选项,sinse 10 Seattle)
2021-02-16 20:07:15 1.11MB StyleControls