Telelogic Rhapsody in C++ V7.x 基本工具培训。通过案例来解说建模工具的使用,从而使学员对模型驱动方法开发面向对象应用有一个了解。
2023-12-22 08:00:31 4.27MB Telelogic Rhapsody
C# Design Patterns A Tutorial
2023-12-17 05:05:07 2.58MB Design Patterns Tutorial
The Best-Selling C++ Resource Now Updated for C++11 The C++ standard library provides a set of common classes and interfaces that greatly extend the core C++ language. The library, however, is not self-explanatory. To make full use of its components–and to benefit from their power–you need a resource that does far more than list the classes and their functions. The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference, Second Edition, describes this library as now incorporated into the new ANSI/ISO C++ language standard (C++11). The book provides comprehensive documentation of each library component, including an introduction to its purpose and design; clearly written explanations of complex concepts; the practical programming details needed for effective use; traps and pitfalls; the exact signature and definition of the most important classes and functions; and numerous examples of working code. The book focuses in particular on the Standard Template Library (STL), examining containers, iterators, function objects, and STL algorithms. The book covers all the new C++11 library components, including Concurrency Fractional arithmetic Clocks and timers Tuples New STL containers New STL algorithms New smart pointers New locale facets Random numbers and distributions Type traits and utilities Regular expressions The book also examines the new C++ programming style and its effect on the standard library, including lambdas, range-based for loops, move semantics, and variadic templates.
2023-12-15 08:02:52 6.06MB
Sourcecode of devcon.exe , this is a independent vs2010 project so it does not depend on ddk(or wdk), it is more easily built and debugged.
2023-12-01 00:19:05 500KB devcon tutorial examples
2023-10-18 23:22:45 3.19MB data structures and algorithms
Python3.0 Tutorial 简体中文版 发布! 译者:刘鑫 尹伟铭 Kernel1983 HTML制作:刘鑫
2023-10-16 06:07:34 2.46MB Python 3.0 Tutorial 简体中文版
2023-09-07 08:50:20 319.42MB algorithm tutorial algorithm-analysis problem-set
史诗生存游戏系列 最后更新为4.26! 虚幻引擎4的第三人称生存游戏完全用C ++编写。 最初是由6部分组成的教程系列,现在可以作为开源C ++示例项目使用。 有关许多功能的演练,请参见。 如有疑问和反馈,请访问 寻找分步指南? 我发布了! 其中包括两个教您C ++的游戏,用于多人游戏的网络和多个AI,包括用于远程射击AI的高级行为树。 立即获得Udemy课程,并为虚幻引擎4学习C ++: 第一节 本节通过动画,对象交互,简单的饥饿系统以及网络支持来设置第三人称角色移动。 第二节 添加了对角色的武器支持,手电筒,UT风格的库存,并带有随身携带的物品的角色视觉表示,并处理了玩家的伤害,死亡和重生。 第三节 使用PawnSensing和Behavior Tree向我们的游戏中引入AI“僵尸”敌人。 第4节 引入了一个带有敌人,物品,得分和一天中某个时间的游戏循环。 第5节 介绍携带障碍物之类的功能的能力,并讨论游戏网络。 第6节 该系列的最后一部分集中在错误修复和对现有功能的完善上。 本部分与4.8版本兼容。 新增:Mod支持 包括两个小型mod示例,包括Pink Rifle扩展名
2023-06-04 03:02:44 316.62MB game c-plus-plus tutorial cpp
Network coding is an elegant and novel technique introduced at the turn of the millennium to improve network throughput and performance. It is expected to be a critical technology for networks of the future. This tutorial addresses the first most natural questions one would ask about this new technique: how network coding works and what are its bene- fits, how network codes are designed and how much it costs to deploy networks implementing such codes, and finally, whether there are meth- ods to deal with cycles and delay that are present in all real networks. A companion issue deals primarily with applications of network coding.
2023-05-04 10:18:31 1.09MB Network coding tutorial
自动驾驶食谱(预览) 注意: 该项目由Microsoft Garage的开发并维护。 目前这项工作正在进行中。 我们将根据用户的要求和合作者的可用性继续添加更多的教程和方案。 在过去的大约五年时间里,自动驾驶已经超越了疯狂的登月计划。 它已Swift成为当今最大的技术之一,有望塑造我们的明天,与汽车首次出现时并没有什么不同。 推动此变化的主要动力是软件(人工智能),硬件(GPU,FPGA等)和云计算的最新进展,这些进展使得能够提取和处理大量数据,从而使公司有可能推动新的水平自治的4和5。 兰德的显示,要达到这些自治水平,就需要对数亿甚至有时是数千亿英里的训练数据进行训练,以证明其可靠性。
2023-04-12 22:47:49 46.52MB microsoft car tutorial deep-learning